You Need A Job To Get A Job

One of the challenges for low income workers is transportation to and from work.  Job applications ask if you have a car. If you say "No", you may not even get an interview.  Some employers may accept" I will walk" or other ways, but often better jobs want people already employed.

Last month we began transporting Mike to his job.  He had previously been walking 6 miles late at night to and from work. . Unfortunately due to limited funding, we could not bring him home at 3am so he tried to get rides home with other workers. When he was not able to get rides home and his hours were reduced, he began looking for another job.  Because he was already working, he found a job with full-time hours that provided transportation.

Mike and his family thanked us for helping them maintain employment which allowed him to get a better job and he is now transportation independent.

This is what Providence Services of Syracuse exists help people get jobs by providing transportation enabling them to become economically stable and improve their lives.

We could use your Financial Support so we can help families leave poverty by filling that transportation gap to work. There are a lot of "Mike's" in Syracuse waiting . Please make a donation online at or mail a donation to: Providence Services of Syracuse Inc., PO Box 6173, Syracuse, NY 13217-6173.  All donations are tax deductible